VYD have teamed up and entered into an ‘awareness raising partnership’ with two charitable organisations that are close to our owner, Gary’s, heart: Mankind and 1in6.uk.

Mankind is a charity based in Hove for men affected by unwanted sexual experiences and 1in6.uk is a website and movement that helps men on the beginning of their journey towards healing, through shared stories from real survivors, signposting to relevant counselling services and a range of videos and self-help tools.

Both charities will be going on the training shirts for VYD, as well as being featured in guest blogs and through co-promotion on social media channels.

After the recent, harrowing documentary, Football’s Darkest Secret about child sexual abuse in professional football which was shamefully ignored by both the FA and the clubs involved, a light has been shined onto the dark shadows of society regarding abuse. From operation Yewtree to other high profile cases, there seemed to be a time and culture within society in times gone by where the abuse of children was the accepted norm. It’s so important that we learn from these mistakes and don’t let it happen again. By raising awareness of how survivors of unwanted sexual experiences can find help and support early on in their journey, it can make all the difference to someone’s mental health and, ultimately, their survival.

The 1in6.uk  ‘Way Through’ campaign facilitates Real Stories by Real Survivors, including from Gary himself. The campaign’s aims are to ‘reach’ as many people as possible through visual language assets and personalised stories that will resonate with others who have been abused, bringing them back to 1in6.uk so they can access the help they need to fully recover.

If you know anyone who has been affected by unwanted sexual experiences, then please visit the 1in6.uk website and start talking to someone who can help – today.